SYSA has partnered with the Fremont travel team and is looking for any interested girls born from 2014 to 2004 to form and/or fill spots on existing teams.
SYSA/Fremont FC currently has a U-9 Co-Ed, U-12 and U-13 Girl's Travel Team.
We are currently looking to fill the girls age gap between U-9 and U-12 to form another team. This includes birth years 2012 and 2013. Coaches are also needed for this age group.
Interested girls can find out if there are open spots on teams by contacting Coach John Sykora, [email protected].
Does your daughter enjoy rec soccer and want more of a challenge? If so, then reach out to Coach John Sykora for the Girls Travel Soccer team. Tryouts will take place for the Spring season. We need volunteers to make this happen as well. If interested or have questions, please reach out to John Sykora: [email protected]
SYSA has partnered with the Fremont travel team and is looking for any interested boys born from 2014 to 2007 to form and/or fill spots on existing teams.
Interested boys may contact Fremont coordinator, Derek Leslie: [email protected]